Friday, February 28, 2014

I am reminded of the houses that I see every day, left exposed to the four elements, the Gaia who d

I am reminded of the houses that I see every day, left exposed to the four elements, the Gaia who devours them patiently, abandoned by people who moved elsewhere in search of a better life. There are really a lot is that I believe every corner of Italy has at least one.
Thus was born the idea of a blog dedicated filmkedjan to this Italian forgotten but present, an 'Italian disappears slowly but without hesitation .. There, that idea is not new but we will fly to the imagination and will lose out "on the fly" the desire to explore a silent world, marginalized, ignored most times, that of the abandoned house.
They scream the walls
Not only will you leave the house but also the nature.
February 2014 << >>
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