Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Those wandering the world completely blind to the power possessed by hunting and hunting. scotchgua

Vedran Rudan To die without stress Home Contact Books Amaru Blacks in Florence May you and I gave birth mother, the unbelieving wife is a whore when / if the man is gay Skeletons of Madison County scotchguard Love at last sight fear of knitting Ear, Throat, Knife In the Land of Blood and idiots Gallery International Newsletter Go to ... Home Contact Books - Amaru - Blacks in Florence - May you and the mother gave birth - I treacherous - When a woman is a whore / when a man is gay - Skeletons of Madison County - Love at last look - Fear of knitting - Ear , throat, knife - In the Land of Blood and idiots Gallery International Newsletter
I followed the last elections, but they followed me. At each step of the walls in my nose looked that I promised a better tomorrow. Probably they were on all screens but I do not look at Teva. I turned back to life when it expired Great Day thinking that the worst is behind us. It is not. Already at the start of the winners of each kill anyone, in which portfolio steal. People who are in our lives proven as thieves, liars, murderers of road, alkosi, removed from the face smile, draw fangs and prepare scotchguard us how you maintain what little scotchguard skin as we have left, if we have left.
Man, the only thing left to read books and listen to music. The music? Something soothing, something for the soul, something that we could tuck in for a minute or two or three to forget where and how we live. My piece of happiness is called Jadranka Stojakovic. Poet, singer, musician, artist.
For years he lived in Japan, I recently heard that she returned to Sarajevo. A year ago I listened to the Trsat. It was dark, it is up to the table, burning candles, open sky full of stars and Jadranka. We all sang to her, crying for some frozen love and believe that there is still hope for us.
She's back. Home. Home? In her Sarajevo home break is a member of God knows whom than those of their "entity" and does not fall on his mind to leave. Jadranka is seriously ill, in a wheelchair, is currently recovering in Banja Luka and probably waiting for her to have mercy on someone, that roof over your head and small pension.
Who? The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Yes, and there is certainly her life artists do not make a priority. Politicians do not listen to music, do not read the book, do not look at the picture, do not go to concerts unless they are close to the camera. Politicians are the owners of our lives but do not know how we live and what our life is important.
Those wandering the world completely blind to the power possessed by hunting and hunting. scotchguard We ordinary people are just bloody stairs that lead to the trampling their stars. scotchguard What do they know about love? So I'm sure that Jadranka Stojakovic will not get your angle in which to wheelchair could sing and compose, pluck his guitar and blow into the harmonica.
So I'm sure that those who govern her life and find someone who will make her staff drove to a stage that we own voice heals the soul. They do not know what the soul is. Politicians hate artists because they live forever. Who knows how to call the president of America when he sang Elvis? And what was the name of the president of the British government when they sang the Beatles?
Does anyone know of us who lived in Yugoslavia, the name of one of those from one presidency to the front of thirty years ago, while we sang Jadranka Stojakovic, our necks to keep their paws? For five or six years everyone will forget about Dodig, the only one I can think of, names of other politicians from me today a distant land I do not know.
And in twenty years, if the world is there, the current power holders scotchguard from our area will not even remember scotchguard their own grandchildren. But somewhere along the sea or the river to hum along with Jadranka Stojakovic. I will do to them, as it seems with us today, that the world is a much better place than it really is.
"Do people scotchguard could be better? They could, but no one wants to start first. Everyone has a bad experience. Is not that a little time swore that we would be better? And some really become better, and dropping naive. Because they are second - become even worse. "D.RADOVIĆA
As far as the electoral performances scotchguard .... Well, that's my comment scotchguard kopiraću appointed Mr. President, the current, the Russian Federation ... the difference in the responses to all "democratic elections" in the region and those little Bananica with marionettes, the difference is in the people ... this regional bananas were done for years, from the air we zaprašivani / and Not only that ... but it is not new /, as well as crops that are born, to bring high returns, but we do not like the chaff .... plants ... so if the gentlemen who trade with the devils do not appeal to yield, and they fell by the region ... It is us humans and almost ... Elections are not honest ... a long time ago and can not hope for betterment by those elected, the only hope for the betterment of all become one ... many smart, savvy and this pain,,,, because we will have to spray to be slightly less smart and not waves, do not think, just to obey the leaders and we follow that we do, we are born, dobrinosimo without chaff ...? and, with

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