Thursday, March 26, 2015

After planting flowers and herbs worth thinking about and comfort in this small, but such a right p

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For quite a long autumn and winter cleaner film outdoor balcony or loggia time to thoroughly dirty, because it by the wind can get not only the fallen leaves and sand to the ground, and other debris can be on the floor outdoor cleaner film balcony.
With the first warming and gentle, warming rays of the sun so we usually used to wash windows in the apartment, and generally arrange general cleaning. But the balcony, as a rule, is removed at the last turn. And this is wrong, because the garbage, located on it, with ventilation can penetrate into the apartment or bedroom. So you should do first balcony, well, our article will help you understand how to do it correctly, and what to start first. cleaner film
On the balcony mostly residents of apartments equipped with a separate room, a place to stay, if the space is properly insulated cleaner film and glazed loggia. But the outdoor balcony is often used for growing flowers on it and fragrant herbs. Therefore, it must be time to clean and prepare the room for the spring planting.
And require special cleaning materials, such as cloth good for wet cleaning facilities, special compounds with antibacterial components allow you to get rid of germs, rubber gloves to protect the delicate skin of your hands. How to start a cleaning on the balcony
Particular attention should be paid to the metal parts of the projection - limiter on the balcony, if necessary, remove the old paint and paint details. cleaner film If this is not done on time, you may receive not only corrosion, cleaner film but also mold that is unattractive, and to plants and detrimental at all. Clear remote places will help special brush with a hard coating.
After wet cleaning with detergents, it is recommended to take a clean cloth and rub on her window cleaner film cleaners with ammonia. It can not only further disinfect the premises, but also to wash heavily soiled areas.
After a thorough cleaning of the balcony or loggia should carefully inspect and carry out the necessary repairs. For example, to replace the flooring cleaner film or brush paint on the windows and eaves, unclog drains, if any. Preparing cleaner film the balcony for the summer season
If the balcony is used not only for recreation, but also for the cultivation of flowers, their planting should be prepared separately. For example, to install a new grid for climbing plants, explore and engage in transplanting pots of flowers in the new, large in size.
After planting flowers and herbs worth thinking about and comfort in this small, but such a right place. Maybe it is time to throw out the old folding chair and get a new, renovate the old, buy a tablecloth for a fun morning or afternoon tea at the table. We should also note the fact that the room balcony is small, it is desirable that all the furniture on the balcony cleaner film was folding.
For extra comfort on the balcony, you can conduct electricity, for example, is located in a small vacation spot lamps, which not only make the room cozy, but also allow a sultry summer day to work outside or read a newspaper. Regular cleaning and wiping the balcony
To cleaning the balcony for a long time not to delay, even the seasonal period is recommended to clean the balcony of snow and mud, at least 2 times a month. Then do not have to exert strong efforts to scrubbing stubborn stains, and the process takes less than an hour.
Read it, it is useful to you! Staircase to the balcony, as the object of interior as now being processed and decorate windows and mirrors Ink gas meters Plastic balconies - causes great popularity cleaner film among the inhabitants Design features a balcony coatings, paints and varnishes
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