Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A manor house with an adjoining farmhouse a couple of miles from Pratolino. And

A manor house with an adjoining farmhouse a couple of miles from Pratolino. And 'in the town of Money, but in the valley of Mugnone in via delle Serre to the number 2280. It 'completely abandoned and goes to pieces, as you can see in the photo. Meanwhile, near Pratolino, build townhouses in joy. There must be some reason why they build new houses instead of retrieving the old, but, honestly, I'm missing the logic of the whole thing. Just to give you an idea of the view enjoyed from the house .....
There are photos of the corners of Fiesole some 'unknown, or known, however, took things to ways and under different conditions than usual. Small details spring cleaning checklist or views, I hope that all those who are interested in the Fiesole appreciate.
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