Thursday, April 2, 2015


Management of the Islamic Seaport in Jeddah has signed an agreement abaco for cleaning debris ship that sank to the south-west of Wever-western part of the harbor with one of the companies specializing in this field. The total contract value amounts to 5,948,631 rials. According to yesterday's statement of the port authority, the length of the sunken abaco ship is 105 meters and a width of 12 meters. The ship is sunk 70 years ago. In the contract includes the removal of all debris and garbage from the place the ship's sinking. The occurrence of the wreck is located at a depth of 17 meters abaco above sea level in the port. The total time of the operations indicated in 365 days. This is done according to a statement the port authorities in order to secure and oespecheniya bezpripyatstvennogo vessel abaco maneuvering at the approach to the docks, also taking into account abaco the size of large ships served at the port. Source:
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2015 Saudia Press - News KSA / creation and promotion abaco -

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