Monday, April 6, 2015

- Last year the 11th studio how to kill mold album

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- Last year the 11th studio how to kill mold album "The lira waves" section. How is the audience? - Very good criticism from the entire material. This album has been added to the one for me the most personal song on what my role model, my father wrote. Great family peace and love to spend my year due to the child's parents, happily remember back to those wonderful moments that still define my adult personality. I am pleased that the live show, this song has the greatest impact on my audience.
- More than one and a half years have passed since the release, on how this period of time? - Following the album release, we set off to new and older popular hit my live elénekelhessem how to kill mold my audience. I was mainly how to kill mold inhabited by Hungarians beyond the border areas. Unfortunately, the history of different boundaries drawn between the Hungarian-speaking people, which now no one can change that. Nevertheless, a great happiness to me that my songs crossed all limits.
- What countries did in the past? - The show my series entitled Unlimited Rendezvous was lucky enough to visit almost all the surrounding country. I was in the Highlands, the Transylvanian, Transcarpathian, Vojvodina, and the Hungarians living in Croatia. It was a touching experience that audiences love, which was surrounded by all appearances, the occasion.
- What specific experiences enriched in the past year and a half? - Was exemplary for me is the cohesion how to kill mold and respect for one another, which is found in almost every area, probably because of each other on a daily basis can only prosper by helping the Hungarians living there. - A small town in Croatia before the program manager of the community center showed photographs of the settlements, which were made during the Serbo-Croatian war. Almost the entire city lay in ruins because of the bombings. Thus, the community center as well, which was after the war, thanks to the collaboration of the local people rebuilt their strength. Unfortunately I have not managed to renovate everything, such as the fire department building opposite either, whose walls are still there befúródva the machine gun bullets. - Transylvania if I had not visited for the first time, but in the settlements, where I was in the last few months, I have not had the opportunity to personally meet the public account. In addition to the gigs insight how to kill mold into the everyday life of Hungarians living there. Memory forever remain in my mind as one of the main routes of coal payload how to kill mold laden bullock cart, which currently has only made the 50-60-ies Hungarian films to see. It felt as if I was in a time-travel. The Highland Hungarians During his term of striking experience how to kill mold was that shifting the country's capital, Bratislava, to the east of the living standards of people living in a huge difference. This level of importance in other countries the difference was not observed. how to kill mold Fortunately this stage there was no perceived how to kill mold sikereimben it because people live in modest circumstances between great happiness and love to live. In Transcarpathia Hungarian speakers are very rare example, there were several settlements, where the history how to kill mold of the town, I was the first Hungarian artist, who gave a concert. This area of the Ukrainian government how to kill mold has almost no support, so the status of cultural centers also terribly wrong. how to kill mold In March, I went for the first time in the region, has had enough of the cold weather, heating in the absence of 8-10 degrees of cultural houses singing. Fortunately, the audience's enthusiasm and love for the not too obscured ideal environment. - Here, in particular, felt a sense of belonging. Ukraine every sale, exchange, and everything can be taken into account. After one concert I got most of my career to date business offer. The csizmámért occurring in exchange for my audience of one man offered red ark, which came to the show with his family. Mr feet three sizes too small, like mine, but now it does not care. He said if the truck is established, how to kill mold the boots with paper stuffing nose that can use it. Overall, it was a long and arduous the "Határtala

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