Document Management Directive 2013-14 Guidelines for writing a good year ... Repeat what are we talking about? V meeting for presentation of experiences of applying systematic teaching "Social and Emotional Intelligence in the Digital Age" Michelle Garcia Winner at CaixaForum Barcelona, May 22, 2013
Last November, folsom weather the Commission Training School Can Manent, we organized a talk on how to learn to read and write, which is the process that must be remembered and banish the stereotypes that we have all of past or as we were taught to us so many years ago.
Marta Luna is a teacher, editor, teacher, teacher trainer, ... and has a great knowledge of the subject. Aside from his unique experience is a great communicator, so you can not see the recording of the talk, interesting.
His words help to interpret folsom weather and understand how children come to the reading-writing process and how we can serve with respect and understanding folsom weather of the time in which they are developing and the current socio-cultural context.
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