Saturday, October 18, 2014

Clean eating super foods Apples Apricots Artichokes Asparagus maintaining Avocados Bananas Beans an

:) Have a nice week since I opened the blog wrote a clean diet standing in the note list. I want to write in the first place is one of the post and even though my life applications, but until now I could not remove it from the list of those notes still. Now my goal is to reach 18% fat percentage, clean diet and I was even more important than getting rid of it thanks to the 53.2 kg or 1.3 kg fell last week I :)). Never at a healthy weight goal can not be met without a healthy diet can tell. So you want to do sports, maintaining go home after a big burger menu said that he did not remain a value of sport. Thus, at the end of our subject today "clean eating". Clean eating means that people all processed and refined foods from the diet label (short, in the box, package, labeled, treated, unable to pronounce the content that you have food to avoid the situation more simple can reduce) their place fresh, whole foods, most natural state, feeding maintaining the basis of the left is based on. Although not easy to eliminate all processed foods, our diet, where they become less able to bring. Clean eating a diet, but a way of life so as to approach this topic I highly recommend it :). Clean eating principles: 1 day, consume 5-6 small portions of food. These are the 3 main meals, snacks must be others. 2 get up every day at the latest one hour after breakfast. 3 All natural food preference. 4 lean protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal try to eat a balanced healthy fats every day, try to eat 5 (avocado, seed oils, fish yağı..gib) 6. at least 2-3 liters of water a day. 7 fiber, maintaining vitamins, minerals and enzymes maintaining to consume fresh fruits and vegetables. Locally produced, organic and seasonal fruits and vegetables to consume with care. Check your fingers, you 9.Ye 8 servings cook and eat at home the 10th Plan your meals, if necessary, take it with you. Be physically active 11 12 Read the labels will not be consumed in the diet Clean: 1 In particular, all processed foods containing white flour and sugar. 2 Chemical contents of the foods, 3 artificial sugar contained foods, 4 artificial foods, 5th Saturated and trans fat-containing foods, 6 cola, fruit juice and derivatives maintaining sugar-laden drinks, 7 Alcohol, 8 All calorie high foods that contain little or no nutritional value but are not, to consume.
Clean dietary preferences to be whole grains: brown rice Kino Kara wheat Wheat Millet Oats Oat bran Corn 100% whole wheat or whole grain bread, pasta and crackers Barley clean diet preferences should maintaining not be refined grains: white bread or wheat bread, white rice, cornflakes Couscous Standard Most pasta baked snacks (crackers, cookies, bisküviler..vs)
These photographs, like we did in the beginning of September I took after a shopping-you know, what is the time I want to write this post :). In the list that sort if: 1 Chicken: Hip-bent, telling the chest did not lean chest prefer :)) 2 chicken livers Month 1 per year we consume one thing to consume entirely up to you 3 Eggs: our list is indispensable. Free roaming chicken eggs or organic eggs are keen to take. 4th peanut butter: we love it, but these days due to the high calorie fat percentage drop operations, the products we consume is almost never. Target reaches, spoons continue :) 5 Almonds: Spenny maintaining roasted love, I always raw am consumed raw, more healthy;) 6 arugula, parsley, fresh thyme, fresh basil, fresh soğandereot dill: Green vegetables nutrition sine qua non of 7 Grapes maintaining : sugar ratio slightly higher than the other although some fruit is on the list. 8 Mineral water: If I want something acidic, maintaining especially my dear am consumed with lemon juice. 9 Milk and yogurt: I prefer mine with a low oil level. Spenny'n the Moove formed a bond with the brand for some reason :). 10 Red peppers, tomatoes: place to get all the colors in your diet. 11 Ginger: We love it, we often use in cooking superb flavor Beet 12: We love salads, hummus'm planning to do it soon. 13 Mango: a few posts earlier gave a mango salsa recipe, you're getting the occasional, not wrapped.
Meanwhile, sometimes silk lady's Farm 'I'm ordering from. You do not have to pay a fortune to sweet potatoes, fresh, healthy, I'd say take a look at you for easy shopping. Each listing comes with mail not to mention enjoyable read article :)
Clean eating super foods Apples Apricots Artichokes Asparagus maintaining Avocados Bananas Beans and legumes Beets Blueberries Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Melon Carrot Cauliflower Cherry Chia seeds Cranberry Dark chocolate eggs Fish Flaxseed Garlic Grape Yogurt green tea Kale Kiwi Lemon Mango Mushrooms Nuts Oatmeal Olive Oil Orange Papaya Peach Pineapple maintaining Brown rice with pumpkin, pomegranate Kino

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