Zdravei and moljavi help ... not bbjah semeina with bahtata children we ... vsi4ko zapo4na so ... born parvija my son ..bahtata the child'm me Biehla obijdahe all drunk Behe ad on njakolko times to collect the parents devious maids you and after toii me pribirahe and molehe to varna money is not all it stigaha as the prinudih and Substitutes for Swiss parents, my sins for my son ... bolihe me so much but at least you po4inah ... nehtata otihnaha and shega zabremenjah s 2're no son njakak this May Behe iztinal with that which we Behe precinil the men and semeistvoto're so rabotih 5 years and who gave him money only and only has understanding ... no one dentou they had hubava luxury car apartment serious business but as bjah nehtasna devious maids ... then the slu4i to..zapoznah with one maj ... and after dalgo the razdelih with bahtata children devious maids mi. no toi not give me children ... now bigger devious maids 2 years jiveja without devious maids tjah vijdam devious maids them only when the sifting iztrah me is to javja Garden ..ve4e I omajena children obichat much May we moljat me to take them edinija e 4 and other 10 nolja you regret what I'm with Hans used to them zmema at men or at least lohia slu4ei vacation
You have two options. devious maids First option - the voluntary agreement - Since they do not live together with the father of the children you are, and that you can achieve agreement on mestoživeeneto children, devious maids exercise of parental rights, personal relationships with children and izdrʺžkata them. Having drawn up the agreement in writing, you may also request from rajonniâ Court under this address devious maids children to the fort. Determine if the court agreement has the same force on the executive under the Articles. 404, clause 1 of Graždanskiâ procesualen code. Second option - resolve the dispute by judicial order - If you and the father of the children you do not reach agreement with respect to all these things, which am izbroil above, this sport is decided by the court under this rajonniâ address to children, who can pronounce on mestoživeeneto children, devious maids exercise of parental rights, personal relationships with children and izdrʺžkata them. Subject matter for you chances are it's in you to Get a permanent - I would kazal that the chances in your favor, (for proper precenka on this issue is necessary to izâsnât all the facts and circumstances in the case, which has no how to fit here in site) but before devious maids the court everything is matter of dokazvane devious maids and nothing you do not try to prevent, as for the purpose will have to hire a lawyer. In all cases, however, have a real chance to take the children devious maids during vacation or during devious maids another period of the year set by the court.
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