Friday, October 3, 2014

Doganskoto Nomsia village consists of a hundred buildings built mainly of stone or brick and straw.

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The Dogon tribe Omo is of the people, chosen savanna of residence after the great migration of all catch. Initially, they lived in the valley of the Niger River between Bamako and the current borders of Mali, Senegal and Guinea. Not yet specified when the Dogon have moved and what has led them to change their place of residence.
According to the Dogon legend, who came from the stars, green clean were also creatures resembling fish. People with short stature, large heads, large eyes and well-defined buttocks, equally well and living on land and underwater.
Dogon today believe that every human being born as an embryo in the womb is a fish and remains one to two months before the birth. How they could know what today is called the evolution of the human embryo? ! ...
Doganskoto Nomsia village consists of a hundred buildings built mainly of stone or brick and straw. Their shape attracts attention - they are vertically placed green clean rectangles resembling missiles.
2011-10-05, Rating 4.0 of 5 to Dogon - students alien Dogon tribe of Mali live in the country located in West Africa. The Dogon have built a system of beliefs centered on the importance of the star Sirius, which is based galactic measures, our close neighbor. Located 8.7 light years away, it is the next nearest green clean star to our solar system. The Dogon believe that Sirius is accompanied by another star with incredible weight that is invisible. They call Po Tolo - stars. In fact we now know that Sirius green clean is a double / triple or even / star system and that the bright star Sirius, which we see from Earth, has garnered invisible to the naked eye, or anything other than the most powerful telescopes. It is now known that Sirius B is a star class white dwarf, ie consists of extremely dense matter, which allows although smaller sizes and to exercise enormous gravitational pull. It's green clean amazing that the Dogon know even period - about fifty - Sirius B needed to make the orbital tour around the vast star. Dogon also say that Sirius is a triple star system - there is a third star, which they call the "Star of Women" and also toured in orbit around Sirius A. The Dogon knowledge of Sirius B is still puzzle us. The fact is that they have an even greater knowledge of space from those described in his book Temple. In addition to their knowledge the existence of rings around Saturn green clean and major moons of Jupiter, they also know that the Milky Way is moving in spirals that our moon is completely lifeless and that the Earth rotates around its axis. Dogon know that stars are really suns. The Dogon believe that their ancestors had received the blessings of civilization gods, called Nommo - or rather demigods because Nommo are messengers of god Amma, who has arrived on Earth in the "arch" in the distant minalo.Nommo described as water spirits that inhabit each water area of the sea to the smallest droplets. Dogon drawings of the Nommo present them as fishlike creatures. Tvэrdi Temple that the Dogon myths are actually preserved memories of visiting alien race of anfibii, came from a planet in the Sirius system, which explains the legend, and otherwise inexplicable knowledge of the tribe for this star. And Nommo are the ones he suggests behind the development of human civilization. Temple also tries to show that knowledge of the Dogon come from the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Sumer and that once widespread knowledge about civilizing role of aliens from Sirius somehow was transmitted only to that tribe. For example Nommo have come from another star system and are simply told our ancestors to the Sirius system, because green clean our ancestors were interested in her as the brightest green clean star in the night sky. In practice, the Dogon claim to know better 14 star systems and also say there are many other "Earths" that are populated. Astrophysicists do believe that type star Sirius could not have planets. According to them completely incredible one star to provide the necessary green clean ratio of light, heat and gravitational forces to sustain life in such a system. If you believe the Temple, the existence of Sirius C is an established fact. Excerpt from the book "The Stargate Conspiracy" -Istinata contacts with extraterrestrials and the secrets of ancient Egypt-authors Lynn and Clive Prince Piknet.
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