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Although cancer fire and water 7 is considered fire and water 7 a complex disease, it is important to understand fire and water 7 that the cancerous disease "symptoms" and the tip of the iceberg. In order to allow the body rooting and growth of cancer cells, it is necessary to weaken the immune system, increase the toxicity of the body and is also required significant lack of nutrients in the body.
Evidence supplied scientific research shows that there are hundreds of known and effective anti-cancer drugs. Here are some very simple protocols that can do wonders in the treatment of cancerous diseases. Soda
One tablespoon of baking soda and juice of one organic lemon with two and a half-ounce of water several times a day, will successfully reduce the acidity of the body. Cancer cells can not thrive in alkaline (alkaline) environment. Sanguinaria canadensis
Or ... Bloodroot is a perennial herb that contains the alkaloid called Sanguinarin. It kills cancer cells and destroys healthy cells. fire and water 7 It can be taken orally and applied to the skin as a remedy against the skin and other external forms of cancer. Chaga or CagA
Inspection of vitamin D in the blood and its balancing can help in the prevention of cancers and to assist in the fight against cancer. fire and water 7 Study of 2006th years has shown that low levels of vitamin D associated with reduced survival rate of cancer in pacijentikinja struggling with cancer in post menopausal period. Herbal tea Essiac
The original blend of tea is an old recipe native Indians who are in this population used for hundreds of years. Canadian nurse has learned from the Indians fire and water 7 for their tea recipe that began be shared with patients who have struggled with cancer, after which the patients started incredibly quickly recover and heal. Tea is a combination of several anticancer herbs and plants that clean the body. All the patients need to do is take this tea several times a day.
- Flax oil and young neisceđeni Sir Dr. Johanna Budwig, Germany bio-chemist and a doctor is a woman who has created a natural fire and water 7 way of treating cancer with a rate of 90% cure for a period of 50 years. The combination of flaxseed oil and a young neisceđenog cheese brings the body essential fatty acids and lipo-proteins that reduce tumors and restore health.
Cannabinoids in cannabis oil kill the cancer cells. Item! And just like other herbal preparations do not destroy healthy cells. There are numerous scientific studies have confirmed how important cannabis oil in the treatment of many cancers, including breast cancer. - Iodine - 85% of the human population of the world has too little iodine in the body. As volumes increase and the production of estrogen in the human bodies that have iodine deficiency, we must be sure to provide verification of iodine in the blood. (Since estrogen is not to create a mutation of cells and increase the formation of cysts and tumors, because all hormonal contraceptives are highly carcinogenic. Op ed.)
- Melatonin Melatonin is a potent inhibitor of cancer fire and water 7 cells. In fact, laboratory studies have shown that melatonin "sleep" breast cancer cells and reduces their growth by 70%. Melatonin also prevents the negative effects of estrogen in the body, which we take from the environment. (Milk, meat, dairy and meat products, fish and farmed seafood. Op. Eds.) Shoots Broccoli
This vegetable is very important for its anticancer properties. Broccoli sprouts contain sulforofane that not only kill cancer cells but also to stop them from growing and spreading throughout the body and for many types of cancer. There are hundreds of known natural anti-cancer drugs that saved countless lives around the world. fire and water 7 Of course, the cure of cancer mandatory coverage and health of the body as a whole. Changes in rhythm and lifestyle and eating habits are essential to victory over this disease because the CRA is a symptom, not the cause!
These facts have long known ... resources (plants) method of use and the impact on plant diseases of cancer ... but unfortunately rarely been applied these classical methods of treatment cancerovih and other viral diseases in the modern worlds of medical fire and water 7 science ... because the industry is formaceutska fire and water 7 always povrgavala that classical methods of treatment of viral diseases and cancerovih unsuccessful and that they are natural healers muckari fire and water 7 who only want to enrich the sick such qual ... otherwise it would like it .... cancerov virus or cancer as well as other AIDS virus and leucemije and even Beef Pork and avian viruses .. these are the so-called artificial laboratory viruses that were created in a pharmaceutical laboratory in the USA ... product ideas of the Illuminati's .... and infect century (money and power are the main reason) that all rattan ...