Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Travelers entering carpet cleaning phoenix the bus noisy, and six of us, different carpet cleaning

I'm standing at the bus stop with his own who accompany me on a trip to Sarajevo. For the first time after the war, I'm going to visit my parents. I want to shout to all the people at the station: "People, I'm on my own, to see and to hug their loved ones, to tell them how much I love them all. Behold, I will force them to get over suffering, winter, famine, and all they inflicted war!
"'God, late bus" - I am in myself, carpet cleaning phoenix although I know that is not delayed. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. My hands are sweating and I am trembling with excitement, as ever. Bus departs, and I shudder stops. Companion to me a Bosnian woman, seemingly calm, and I know that it is the heaviest and longest time in my life. He travels to his hometown of Bihac, to circle their wounded and Bosnia. We are waiting for the bus to Pala, which runs from the Kings of Sarajevo. Approaching the conductor carpet cleaning phoenix and speak in whispers:
Travelers entering carpet cleaning phoenix the bus noisy, and six of us, different carpet cleaning phoenix passenger, quietly, as the culprits. I drink the first pill and to suppress a shudder inside. I'm not afraid, but the excitement was great. carpet cleaning phoenix The desire to see her is stronger than fear I on the bus with tables of Serbian. A little nap in the road.
- Our Yugoslavs, do not be afraid - I calms woman in front of him, that, as a police officer provides a document for review, all shaking with fear. All travelers to review the document and we all stand in the same queue outside the bus, so I am a little umiruje.Ulazimo the bus. After five minutes of driving the bus stops again.
- All documents carpet cleaning phoenix for review! - Tells us. I did not understand. I looked out the window and then I realized. As if there was waking up, I saw where we are. I'm starting to learn the prayers in it, and I observed that other women whisper. While getting out of the bus, I pray to God Almighty and encourage myself that all will be well. My legs are shaking and sticking up for my companions.
- Do not be afraid, everything is uredu.Ulazimo the bus and the passengers only now they know who we are. As we returned with tape on his hand or stamped on his forehead. carpet cleaning phoenix The mouth feel horrible bitterness and I would love to throw up. The bus silence. I do not know what travelers think of us now, and we did not even matter. I would like to shout out loud all the passengers that we are people of pure soul, heart and body. To ask someone, who just set and changing boundaries and shared our common. Who does this change the history and geography?
While traveling, I am watching through the window of beautiful nature: green meadows, forests and mountains. The beginning of the summer, so everything is in bloom and the heady scent. Everything is the same, but it's not! I know it is not! Terrible pain pierced me in the chest and my encounters darkness in my eyes when I saw the first ruins and charred remains. Everywhere along the road ghostly carpet cleaning phoenix destroyed houses stand as a memorial to evil.
The bus silence, no sound. Our six women think the same, crying silently to himself and others ... may be ashamed, maybe pride or gloating. Some of them, perhaps, are considered heroes. "Congratulations, and is the bravery and courage to break the house mine hill, kill an innocent child, unarmed old man" - I'm in it.
The sad Drina below lavish Bikavca quiet, silent forest, as a culprit. Drina on which the poets sang, beside her ašikovali boys and girls. The Drina flows with huge stamped and burden on themselves. It flowed the blood of the innocent. She listened to the last breaths and cries of mothers, carpet cleaning phoenix children, carpet cleaning phoenix the elderly. We pass through Visegrad. The city is more like a village. Everywhere ruins, rubbish. Squalid streets involuntarily moving people, forcing ox wagons, horses ... Nowhere scent of flowers, the Bosnian carpet cleaning phoenix Sevdah life, not even a bird. As he died Visegrad, together with Drina, with her innocent, suffering and Expelled people. Do me that once honorable Mehmed Pasha Sokolovic covered in blood. The sad thing was sagging Drinida to be united in a common grief, sad what is missing is a beautiful Bosnian township. Weep for yourself in this ruined city, and as if someone took a part of the soul, knowing that Visegrad is no more.
The pain in my soul is becoming stronger as we travel on to Sarajevo. I want to cry, but I have no voice. I wanted to look around, to remember everything, but when I get back home to tell their children, friends and relatives. To tell you what you can do man, adversary, without honor, faith, heart numb ... I watch view ravaged, carpet cleaning phoenix burnt houses. In front of a house twisted sofra, somewhere left rake, one boot, shattered bladder carpet cleaning phoenix ... Thinking of the people who lived there, the pain pierces my heart like the sharpest sword. I wonder if anyone survived the Golgotha. Where there are now displaced people and how they live? Do they, somewhere far away, in their dreams they see its end, its fireplace and its Drina?
"We travel Romani, and I was increasingly getting dark before carpet cleaning phoenix my eyes. What we are closer to Sarajevo, I feel greater anxiety, excitement. By the way I teach and I ask the good Lord to stay vigilant. Moment we warmly, sometimes cold. I'm suffocating pain. I want to shout, cry ...
As we go Romanija, all the way to the house are intact. People calmly walking down the street, a woman drinking coffee on the balcony. carpet cleaning phoenix We can hear the music from the restaurant. As if there was not rata.Gdje are evildoers and those who

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