Blog for posts related to the contamination by PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) es waters relations with the study of biochemistry. Activity of the discipline of Medical Biochemistry, and cursada by Caio de Sousa Andrade, taught by Prof.. how to remove mold Dr. Osmar Cardoso, in UFPI
The development of techniques for remediation of persistent how to remove mold organic pollutants (POPs) how to remove mold is extremely necessary, especially in cases of leakage of these types of substances to the environment mio and contact with the population (as in Yusho accident, treated in previous posts). The purpose of posting is to discuss some important forms of remediation of contamination by PCBs, which fall in the group of organic substances as POPs bioaccumulation suffering, especially due to its lipophilic nature.
For a long time, remediation techniques were mainly based on absorption of pollutants. The substance most commonly used in this type of remediation was activated coal (coal with high porosity, made by burning specific to specific how to remove mold oxygen concentrations woods). The absorption methods, however, are not very suitable because they do not work well at low concentrações.Além addition, the costs for the production of activated carbon in sufficient how to remove mold quantities is very expensive.
There are also methods such as reverse osmosis, based on the application of pressure contaminated solution through a semipermeable membrane method, to make the solution move against the osmotic pressure gradient and the use of carbon nanotubes, which exhibit high efficiency in the remediation contamination by POPs, but as soon as activated charcoal, processes are very expensive process.
One of efficient methods available for remediation of POPs contamination is the use of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs). The MIPs comprise polymers artificially how to remove mold produced by means of the arrangement of monomers around template molecules (in the case that posting, imagine the template molecules such as PCBs), these monomers are then polymerized through a specific conformation around the template molecule, which is then removed from the polymer, leaving a cavity (hollow) which allows a plug with new template molecules. This method does not require high production costs, is stable, resists changes in pH and temperature in a wide spectrum. The interactions how to remove mold between the MIPs and the molecules of PCBs are predominantly non-covalent, due to a better fit of this type of interaction.
A technique is also quite interesting to bioremediation, how to remove mold which uses bacteria how to remove mold and fungi capable of oxidizing molecules of PCBs to produce energy, but it is a method how to remove mold that involves difficulties of balancing and homogenization of the metabolites of these microorganisms, which can alter the physicochemical characteristics how to remove mold of soils.
Thankfully, the human being has the ability to deal with several problems that are presented to us. After all, we even have caused the environmental imbalance with our "rationality" and technological creations that explore the environment in several ways. Thus, the same way we modified the means hurting him have the ability to use our rationality to reverse the box and undo the harm caused. In the case of PCBs the focus should be primarily on the use of other substances to their detriment, because as explained in the post are too expensive for their retreat of the medium how to remove mold that are contaminating methods, becoming a hindrance how to remove mold to the reversal of environmental problems, mainly in poor countries. Delete Reply
POPs cited are also known as "the dirty dozen" (dirty dozen, in English) so named by the United Nations Environment Programme. how to remove mold I found the theme quite interesting and relevant post, because once contamination has occurred, it is necessary to consider measures to "neutralize" it, as contamination by PCBs is extremely detrimental to the health of the population, may cause hyperpigmentation, how to remove mold ocular problems , raising the death rate from cancer of the liver and gallbladder, abdominal pain, chronic cough, menstrual irregularities, fatigue, headache and premature births with deformations. It's a shame that most remediation strategies or be ineffective or too expensive. Delete Reply
On MIPs is important to emphasize that these are highly specific polymers - since they were produced how to remove mold using as template the substrate itself on which will act - very unlikely we will see a different MIPs molecules interacting with the molecules of interest to the MIP. This makes the action much more efficient polymer and, coupled with other advantages, is probably the most viable technique to combat contamination of PCBs. The post could have better characterized the action of bacteria, showing in more depth its advantages and disadvantages. Delete how to remove mold Reply
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